Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Snowy River

(Taken last Friday along the WI River.  There are few things I find as beautiful as snow covered trees.)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

3 Recipes I Love


I am all about easy, tasty recipes.  The above are a few of my favorites.  They make me feel like I am an awesome cook...and trick Fisch into thinking that as well ;)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday..on Saturday

 (Linking up with Lauren!)
1.  The love of my life is   Fisch.

2.   Falling in love is   a gradual process. It's something that continues happening throughout a relationship and over time you fall even deeper in love...if you put in the effort that is (Not gonna lie, this is Lauren's answer but I totally agree and couldn't have said it any better).

3.  Marriage is   something I would like to happen in the future, near future, for Fisch and me.

4. The longest relationship I've ever had was  5 years 5 months and 14 days (w/ Fisch).

5. The key to a good relationship is  laughing a lot and remembering it's the little things that really show the love.

6. I feel loved when   someone does something specifically for me because they know I will love it.

7.  My favorite quote about love is   "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.( Feel this one describes Fisch and me quite well. We are weird.) santiz

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Our Valentine's Day


Valentine's Day Involved....
  • Heart Shaped "Eggs in a Basket" Breakfast in bed for Fisch.
  • A surprise bouquet of flowers in my car when I left for work.
  • Tons of Valentines from my kiddos (remember how exciting V-day was when you were a kid?)
  • And a picnic dinner of steak and wine in front of the fire while watching New Girl and "The Notebook"(Fisch's suggestion, not mine :) 
Overall I would say a pretty great Valentine's Day!
P.S. I would have taken a picture of my present to Fisch, framed maps of where we have lived, but Penny already managed to spill wine all over it and now I have to re-mat one of them. Naughty Kitty.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wordless(ish) Wednesday: AHH MY BABY SIS IS DRIVING!

My little sister is about to turn 16 in a couple months.  
She got her tempts a few months ago.  
I rode with her for the first time the other weekend. 
Not her driving...but the fact that she is getting so old.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!


Happy Valentines Day!

I'm a big believer in sending snail mail.  Every year I send handmade Valentines to my best friends.  Usually they are the more traditional, gaudy doily and glitter creations.  This year I went a different route. I think they turned out ok :)

And here, for all you, is Zooey Deschanel's hilarious song about Valentines day.  Cracked up when I saw it on SNL Saturday.

Monday, February 13, 2012

We love Demetri Martin.

On Friday, Fisch and I went to see one of our favorite comedians, Demetri Martin, at the Barrymore Theater on the East Side.
We both agreed it was one of the best shows we have been to. He is so funny. Like our cheeks hurt afterwards from smiling and laughing so much kind of funny. Awesome!

I'm particularly fond of his art... and the fact that he can draw with both hands at the same time!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Art Night Est. 2-2-12

Being an art teacher you would think that I would get to make lots of art.  I do but it's usually just examples for my lessons.  I rarely make my own which is something I would like to start doing again.  Fisch expressed interest in touching up some of his old stuff as well as maybe starting a new project....which is why we finally established Art Night!  

Tonight's activity, blind contour drawing!  One of my favorite exercises from drawing class. You draw something/somebody with one continuous line and without looking.  It teaches your eye and hand to work together.  The drawings usually turn out pretty hilarious.

Fisch was getting frustrated with not being able to look at his drawing so he started a real portrait of me.  If you look closely you can see it behind his contour drawing of me :)